مشاريعنا حملة رمضان كريم This report has been prepared by IUCN, partner of the consortium implementing the project,nEuropean Capitals of Biodiversity, which is supported by the European Commissionu2019s Life+nprogramme. In producing this document, IUCN has relied upon information provided by thirdnparties. Neither the European Commission, DUH, IUCN, or their respective directors,nemployees and affiliated organisations give …
OUR WORK This report has been prepared by IUCN This report has been prepared by IUCN, partner of the consortium implementing the project,nEuropean Capitals of Biodiversity, which is supported by the European Commissionu2019s Life+nprogramme. In producing this document, IUCN has relied upon information provided by thirdnparties. Neither the European Commission, DUH, IUCN, or their respective …
OUR WORK This report has been prepared by IUCN This report has been prepared by IUCN, partner of the consortium implementing the project,nEuropean Capitals of Biodiversity, which is supported by the European Commissionu2019s Life+nprogramme. In producing this document, IUCN has relied upon information provided by thirdnparties. Neither the European Commission, DUH, IUCN, or their respective …
مشاريعنا حملة مشروع الشتاء تعاني الجاليات الفقيرة حول العالم من برد الشتاء القاسي، ويموت الكثير من الأطفال كل عام داخل المخيمات من شدة البرد، ذلك بسبب العواصف الثلجية التي تضرب عدة مناطق في الشرق الأوسط وآسيا وأفريقيا، وتنخفض درجات الحرارة في هذه الدول إلى ما دون الصفر مما يسبب الكوارث الطبيعية التي تُلحق الضرر بالعديد …
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